

  • Your Agent is promoting “off market property” – Think about it. If you are looking to sell your property, would you not go to the auction or put it for sale in the open market. By putting on the market/auction allows you to truly get the best price. A seller often sells ‘off market’ if the property is defective or a buyer is prepared to overpay. While there are some good off market deals, don’t fall for a ‘off market’ property blindly, the chances are you are overpaying by as much as 25%.

  • Your Agent is promoting “bought below market price”: Many buyers agent promote that their past purchases were made below market price. Guess what! what you pay has become the new market value of the property for all intense and purpose. The whole idea of buying ‘below market value’ is flawed.

  • Your Agent is promoting or promising “very high returns” Property is a long-term investment and most people buy it for a long term. When the tide is going up everyone makes money. So, the idea of promoting short term returns and giving an impression it’s possible to get high returns every year is misleading and is just a marketing strategy of the buyer’s agent not an investment strategy for you.


P16 Investing

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