Frequently Asked Questions

What is the vision of P16?

Our vision is to improve financial literacy and, help and inspire the next generation to invest in properties for their financial security.

Why is P16 Tutorials and Coaching so powerful?

The P16 Tutorials and Coaching is designed to prepare you for success in property investing so you can build property wealth fast. You will gain wide range of knowledge and skills and learn step-by-step process that are simplified for you.

The teachings are based on theory, data science, industry knowledge, empirical research and educator’s personal experience in building their own wealth and other clients over 30 years.

It's holistic and scientific approach to property investing and building a portfolio, by investing in high returning suburbs across Australia that are about to take off, from the comfort of your own home.

When it comes to property investing, it saves you a lot of money and time.

What will I learn through P16 Tutorials and Coaching?

P16 Tutorials and P16 Coaching are the first of its kind through which you will learn

1. Scientific Approach to investing:

  1. How to time the property market
  2. How to pick the next growth Australian city for investing
  3. How to pick the next high returning suburbs and pockets within a city
  4. How to pick the right property within a suburb
  5. How to complete the due diligence on a property.

B. Holistic/Strategic Approach to investing:

  1. How to navigate through lending rules
  2. How to optimise tax
  3. How to grow equity and income quicker, while growing and protecting the portfolio
  4. How to negotiate property deals on favorable terms anywhere in Australia from the comfort of your own home.
  5. How to minimise systematic and unsystematic risk of investing and building a portfolio.

You would not just maximise the returns from your property investments but also optimise your overall personal wealth while growing and protecting your wealth.

"Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing." - Warren Buffet  

When is the right time to enrol in P16 Tutorials?

The course is must for you if you are intending to buy a property. The best time is when you are exploring the idea of purchasing a property.

P16 Tutorials provides step by step process and help you make a series of right investment decisions.

If you are buying a property for the first time, you are encouraged to enrol as soon as possible, ideally one year ahead of the purchase.

Is P16 Tutorials for me?

If you are thinking of buying a property, you should enrol in the course as it can prove to save or make you hundreds of thousands of dollars over time.

Our clients are typically between 20 and 40 years old, who wish to take control of their journey to owning a property portfolio.

If you get your investment structure and your first property purchase right you are well set up to add and service the next property quickly. For this reason, if you are a first home buyer, you have the most to benefit from our course.

On the other hand, if you are a first-time investor, the education and coaching allow you to invest in the next growth suburb and turbo charge your portfolio building journey.

New migrants who lack knowledge of the local system are able to create a solid knowledge base fast.

What methods of investing do you follow and teach?

P16 follows a top-down quantitative investment approach used by many successful property investors and fund managers. While researching, we first look for long term growth markets (using Fundamental Analysis) before narrowing them down to suburbs that would grow immediately (using Technical Analysis).  We are a ‘value investor’.

In short, ‘Fundamental analysis’ helps to identify long term growth suburbs (over 10 years plus) while ‘Technical analysis’ identifies short term growth suburbs are primed to grow in the next 6 month to 2 years.

Fundamental analysis is based on economic analysis of real-time data (such as interest rates, unemployment rate, population growth etc) while technical analysis is based on property market analysis of real-time data (such as days in the market, average discounting, property search interest, etc.

P16 Tutorials teaches you a practical and simplified methodology of this highly successful and complete approach used by property fund managers and successful investors all around the world.

How do you pick suburbs for investment?

We complete a fundamental analysis using 15 economic data trends (such as interest rates, unemployment rate, consumer confidence etc) to evaluate if a market is cheap (as compared to expensive) to invest.

Concurrently, a technical analysis is completed using on the ground 15 property market data sets (such as property search interest, days in the market, average discounting etc). This helps us gaze the current market supply and demand that would drive an immediate growth in a suburb (or pocket).

While combining the fundamental and technical analysis we regularly identify list of high returning suburbs (or pockets) across Australia that would continue to provide you with above average growth now and throughout your investment journey.

Our scientific modellings are based on statistical methods of ratios, correlation, regression, trend line and rolling averages.

P16 Tutorials teaches you where to find the up-to-date real-time data and a simplified data analysis methodology, so irrespective of your economics knowledge or data analysis competency you are still able to identify high returning suburbs that are about to take off.

In our course you will learn how

  1. a simplified methodology to identify which market is cheap to invest into and which market is expensive for you to keep clear off.
  2. a simplified methodology to evaluate aggregate demand and supply in the property market at a suburb level within the cheap market, that is likely to also grow immediately.
  3. to analyse property information for cashflow, holding cost, tax benefits and manufactured growth potential. This helps you to choose the right property to invest.
Why are both fundamental analysis and technical analysis important?

Successful fund managers across the world use both Fundamental and Technical analysis to outperform the market. It’s about achieving ‘alpha’ and it’s about maximising the risk weighted return of your investments.

Fundamental analysis provides a useful guide to long term growth while technical analysis provides guide to short term growth in a suburb.

While each city, region and suburb have its own market, we help you select the high returning suburbs and pockets that are primed to grow from the day you acquire the property.

The short-term growth allows you to add your next property faster while the long-term growth allows you to build wealth.

Why is investing based solely on technical analysis (demand and supply) dangerous?

On-ground demand and supply analysis (such as using demand and supply ratios, (like DSR) is only half-done job. It provides only a short-term guide to investing. While it can be a useful bit of information, property is a long-term investment hence a strictly short-term approach may not always work out in the long run. 

In addition, often the demand and supply analysis will still be showing strong numbers at the tail end of the short-term burst, leading to error in making the right judgement by inexperienced investors.

Lately a number of investors who invested solely based on DSR analyses have lost all the recent gains and now grappling with loses due to higher interest rates.

What subject material do you cover in your course?

Details are in our course outline. Through our course you will learn how to

  1. Successfully source deposits faster.
  2. Maximise your borrowing capacity year after year.
  3. Use deposit structure and loan structure to your benefit.
  4. Use ownerships and tax structure, including trusts and SMSF effectively.
  5. Pick property cycle and next growth suburbs.
  6. How to appraise a property for rent and value.
  7. Negotiate and get an off-market property without any competition.
  8. Complete proper due-diligence on the property purchase from comfort of your own home.
  9. Grow your equity faster.
  10. Minimise your holding costs such as tax, borrowing etc.
  11. Diversify and buy interstate from the comfort of your own home.
  12. Build property wealth faster.
  13. Effectively manage and protect your property assets.

For details refer to our course guideline.

What is the cost of P16 Tutorials?

Our fee for the complete course is $2000 plus GST. 

At P16 we believe that getting education early on in one’s life is more valuable but most young people may not always be able to afford it.

Hence, we offer 25% discount if you enrol with us at an age under 30 and 50% discount under 25. 

For students from disadvantaged backgrounds/communities, who cannot afford a fee but still wish to get educated, we offer 100% fee scholarships on a case-by-case basis.

Please ask us for the conditions for discounts to apply. The fee may be tax deductable to you. Please check with your accountant.

If you require coaching while you are buying a property, please refer to section under P16 Coaching.

Can I afford P16 Tutorial fee?

We have kept the fees low so we can reach everyone who is serious about their financial well-being. We also want to provide every opportunity to our younger generation to learn about wealth creation and financial security.

How do you deliver the P16 Tutorials?

We offer you the life changing opportunity of education through P16 Tutorials no matter where you live across Australia.

Most of our students prefer live course which takes into account current laws and market condition and hence you are able to ask questions. We use online platform like Zoom and teleconferencing. 

The course is made of two 3-hour sessions composing of 6 modules conducted on selected weekends between 1pm to 4pm (WST) and weekdays between 5pm to 8pm WST.

Please register your interest with us ASAP as spots fills very fast.

What is the aim of P16 Tutorials?

P16 Tutorials aims to build confidence within you in a short period of time so you can start investing, without you wasting a large sum of money or time on contradicting and confusing information obtained through

  1. Following property spruikers or YouTube gurus - who claim to know everything and have hidden agenda to sell overpriced product such as a course, a strategy or a property.
  2. Attending seminars – they almost always carry hidden agendas and are organised by smooth salespeople with links to developers who wish to sell their new developments packaged as growth opportunities.
  3. Reading books etc - takes a lot of time with no ongoing coaching available.
  4. Paying for property advice – you could end up paying tens of thousands of dollars to people who are unqualified to provide advice or are simply selling you a developer property stock disguised as advise.

“If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe” – Abraham Lincoln

What is the difference between P16 Tutorials and other courses or educators?

P16 Tutorials is complete. It is not based on one guru’s successful property journey during a property boom cycle.

Instead, it offers a scientific, holistic and a portfolio approach to investing. It merges fields of finance, tax, estate planning, real estate, economics, and data science creating a powerful foundation for property investing.

Our presenters have personal experience in investing over 25 years.

P16 offers you a well-structured, well-rounded, true property investing education, developed by experts, with a step-by-step process to give you the confidence to build a property portfolio. Ongoing Coaching is available if you require.

Why are mantras of a property guru spruiker dangerous?

Here are 3 main reasons.

  1. A guru’s own success in investing is likely to be as a result of extended property boom conditions (more than 5 years) which may not be immediately repeated.
  2. There are horses for courses. Same strategy seldom works on everyone. For example, a strategy that works on someone earning $80k pa may not be the best for someone earning $150k pa. Often a property guru is too focused on strategy that worked in their own personal unique situation and are less likely to be objective in their views.
  3. They often run their business like a cult. They may have a social media group whose audiences (or members) are heavily controlled. The third-party reviews are either orchestrated or managed through their own cult followers and a genuine review such as google reviews are never available. The followers are discouraged to comment against the gurus where they are easily able to spread misleading information.
Why is fusion of 5 disciplines of wealth creation important while buying?

Your overall wealth as an investor at a point during the investment journey depends on the

  1. Income and growth of your property (or, properties)
  2. Ongoing and future tax paid on the income and growth of your property (or, properties),
  3. The interest and other holding costs of your property (or, properties)
  4. The ownership and finance structure that supports an addition of the next property to your portfolio and intergenerational transfer.
  5. The upkeep cost and value that can be added to the property.

P16 teaches you how to maximise your overall wealth now and in future. The single most important factor in creating wealth is to set your financial, tax and mortgage strategy right.

What can P16 Tutorials and P16 Coaching help me achieve?

P16 Investing and P16 Tutorials can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars over time in building a property portfolio fast, efficiently and through property purchase below its intrinsic market value.

Like our many clients, you will be able to achieve the following outcomes during your journey towards building your property portfolio.

  • Organise the deposit faster for the next property
  • Use the right deposit and finance structure to your benefit.
  • Beat the banks at their own game by obtaining credit faster and saving on interest.
  • Navigate through the lending and buying process to your advantage.
  • Use the right ownership structure such as tenants in common, joint, company, trust and superannuation to your benefit.
  • Time the property market.
  • Identify the next growth suburbs across Australia year after year.
  • Identify and secure properties below their intrinsic value.
  • Gain access to properties that has no competition.
  • Negotiate favourable property price and sale terms.
  • Pay your loans up to 3 times faster.
  • Save tens of thousands in income tax, capital gains tax, land tax and stamp duty.
  • Minimise risk and protect your wealth through the right structure and insurances.
  • Diversify investment portfolios across Australia from the comfort of your own home.
  • Manufacture equity and accelerate growth in your property.
  • Protect yourself from property sharks.
  • Retire early on a portfolio of properties generating your lifestyle income.
  • Make the right selection of professionals such as Accountant, Mortgage broker, Financial Planner etc.
What level of ongoing support do you offer after completion of P16 Tutorials?

Upon completion of the course, you have access to a complimentary 30 mins telephone support within a month of completing the course. This allows you to get additional clarification on the course material.

For more structured ongoing support, please refer to P16 Coaching and P16 Investing Service.

Do you offer support and property research if I have not completed P16 Tutorials?

You are able to use P16 Coaching and P16 Investing, irrespective of whether you have attended the course. 

Do you offer any short courses?

The following short courses are offered:

  1. P16 First Home – All about first home buying ($440) If you are planning to buy your first home and wish to know about grants, deposits, loans, how/what to buy, this could be for you – 2hours
  2. P16 Money - Basics of money and wealth ($440) - If you are bad with your money or, finding it hard to get ahead financially, or just want to learn basics of money, this could be for you. – 2hours
  3. P16 SMSF - Property in SMSF ($440) – If you are planning to hold property within SMSF, this could be for you. – 2 hours
  4. P16 Development - Property Development. ($660) – If you are planning to do subdivision, renovation or extension, this could be for you. – 3 hours
What is the guarantee that my investment in P16 Tutorials & Coaching will work?

Through P16 Tutorials & Coaching, you will gain knowledge and skills that can help you succeed in your property investing journey for many years to come. 

Like any education and coaching course, the results will vary from individual to individual and depends on how and when you apply these learnings. 

We do noy offer any guarantee on the performance of your investments but offer a 100% course satisfaction guarantee for P16 Tutorials. Please also refer to section “Disclaimer and Terms

Who are contributors to P16 Tutorials?

P16 Tutorials acknowledge contributions from the following in shaping the educational contents. 

AFG Broking, Brisbane– Finance Broking

SYNCRON, Perth – Financial Planning

Westpac and CBA, Perth – Banking and Lending 

Mortgage Australia Group - Broking

H & R Block, Perth – Taxation

Macphersons and Associates, Perth – Taxation

KPMG, Perth – Investments

The Agency, Perth– Real Estate

Morgan Stanley Investment Banking, Sydney– Investments

Department of Treasury, Canberra – Economics 

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra – Data

University of Canberra – Research

Edith Cowan University - Research

Reserve Bank of Australia, Canberra – Data and Research

Property Managers WA – Real Estate

CoreLogic – Data and Research

RP DATA – Data and Research - Data - Data

Real Estate Institute - Tools and Educational Material – Data and Research – Data Analytics – Data and Research

Pricefinder – Data and research

APM – Data and Research

SQM -Data and Research - Research – Research - Research – Data